Engineering- cool to cooler
Few days ago I somewhere read that: “India has more jobless engineers than total population of Sweden.” Engineers are most likely found people in India. Yes! It’s true. It’s said that probability of a person being an engineer is that much that if you throw a stone in crowd it’ll hit an engineer. Every 3rd graduate is engineer now days. What brought this stream so much crowd in India? Why engineering is favorite stream parents choose for their children even after this much big crowd in here? There has to be some benefits of engineering that it is liked too much amongst people in India.
On unemployment people have grown up and they no more blame engineering discipline for this. Now people have grown enough to understand the unemployment’s kick is not only affecting engineers but every field you see. So it’s better batter to be an unemployed engineer than an unemployed graduate, they think. Surveys are taken. Records are tested and many private organizations & NGOs conducting societal awareness programs have studied this boom in engineering stream and came up with few facts that justify engineering to be a best graduation scheme amongst all.
When I started engineering I was cool with it however I didn’t know what I was getting myself into. When I completed it, it was greater and cooler than when I joined in. I was feeling worthy and professionally blessed with few specialties discussed:
1. You’ll start thinking logically and more intellectually. Your brain is well exercised by engineering curriculum and now you are allowed to have good time with it. This lifetime worth capability will bless you with confidence.
2. Engineers get widespread respect and admiration for their quality. They work in competition with international market and with their good standard of living they get special attraction.
3. It’s professional, decent and work of freedom, respected if you really get an engineering job.
4. We are paid in lakhs and more. This is highly paid community in India and all over the world. Corporate sectors are special for country and its growth. So we are financially enriched.
5. Creativity is science’s gift to engineers and we get our brains so much furnished with logics and practicality that we get this creative thinking with our engineering degree. Industries have been working for decades but now market is a challenge and better thinking and new ideas are so much in demand for this.
6. We take issues technically and analyzing them, we go for a solution. We get this technical and scientific thought process in gift with engineering. We keen to know reasons and working methods of things, processes and models.
7. Professional freedom of choosing your work domain. People will judge you with your productivity not sustainability and labor.
8. Anything we do is a step for societal growth. We’ve become the most liked community in world since scientists invent things and ideas and we do their practical implementation to fulfill science’s prime motive of making our lives better.
There is change of time and professions are liked and disliked all over the world but an Engineer should never neglect himself. Being engineer is a boon. Proud yourselves.