Educated or literate:
So you’ve attended high school, and pursuing bachelor, major in some specific field. What do you thing about your education? Are you educated or not, what is your perspective regarding your own education and gain. Not clear, why asking this? Don’t worry I’ll make the picture.
Literacy and education is somehow related but totally independent in sense of judging a character. The one who’s gone to high school is literate but not educated until it proves its moral and good character.
- Educate: having intellect, moral and social Instruction
- Literate: able to read and write
Judge yourself:
Now can you judge yourself? Let’s justify with this story: ‘in Hospitals there are so precautions security and slogans about doings and not doings. There was a slogan saying ‘don’t spit on the walls’. A person came in well suited in coat & red wearing a red tie with his wife and read the notification about not spitting, but he spat and fled. After some time a labour came he didn’t know how to read, but under the notification on the wall there was a graphical notation too. Seeing that, he didn’t spit on the wall and used the washroom instead.’ In this story the literate suited gentle man is called literate but uneducated, on the contrary the labour will be called educated but illiterate.
Government decides if someone is literate on the basis of his reading/writing skills and capabilities. But it’s you who decides and represent whether you are educated or not. The person having enough intellect, moral and social & behavioural knowledge is educated whereas the person who can read & write is literate. This is how educate and literate are different.
Your duty:
So attending high school is not enough, until you don’t present yourself as an educated one. The man with a value is always respected. It’s on you what you want to do or what you want to become, we study a lot of things in books and syllabus, but those things as we think proves to be unnecessary to us. If one wants to utilize his education in his personality, every single thing will go. Everything you’ve ever studied proves to be worth if you want it.
“The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn and change.” - Carl Rogers said. So what our education teaches us is not about reading and writing books, but it’s about learning and exploring new things and facts.
Educated mind always knows the climax of shots. The ability to think and develop oneself and others is gained from this education only. Being an educated / literate we’ve our moral duties to be followed. Unlike that rich literate uneducated man who spits on the wall even after knowing it’s wrong, we should always choose a pathway in life that makes it worth walking, or else the non-intellect decision will lead you towards the pit of curse of damn and evil, and it’s surely not the way an educated person should live.