We all love eating whole day. It's everyone's favorite pastime. We must eat thrice a day. We are blessed that our country India is enriched with Food grains, pulses & Fresh vegetables. It's our responsibility to make our country healthy & wealthy. We must plan a healthy diet to be fit & should create a healthy environment by suggesting diet tips to others as well.
Mostly think that if the diet is healthy, is never tasty. The reason behind is that our taste buds are not habitual to the healthy food. Healthy food means proper intake of All the nutrients; Fats, Carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals, etc. We run after tasty flavors which ultimately ruins the digestive glands. Today, what looks fresh is the unhealthiest. Especially the fruits & vegetables, available in the market look big & fresh, they are actually chemically injected which makes them look fresh. These fruits lose their original nutrients & taste. There is another difference which you'll see in real fruits & toxically made food items, it's the cost. Fresh fruits & vegetables are not that easily available & are costly. Now you decide, health is more important or the wealth? Think & choose the best lifestyle to live.
I admire the very old & beautiful saying "Healthy mind lives in a healthy body". That's true!
You can't think healthy until you'll eat well. It's not necessary to do a crash diet to be in shape. Pick your favorite fruits you like, favorite pulses you like to eat or vegetables, try to eat every day. Slowly slowly, include all the nutrients in your food & forget concerning about the taste. People who are mad for crash dieting, I have seen many of such people dehydrating & caught by many diseases. Do not forget to add exercises to your routine, after all what you'll eat should digest properly. Physical workout is necessary.
The more you'll eat healthy; more you'll live long & better life.
"Nobody is worth more than your body"
"• Melody Carstairs