Competition: Good or Bad?

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If we talk about competition, it means a competitive feeling of defeating someone in any field which can be a good thing or a bad thing also. Outcomes could be either positive, or negative.

In such a competitive world, we can say "Competition is the key to success."  It motivates you to become more confident in what you do. But at the same time it has some drawbacks also. You are defeating someone who might get demotivated & hurt.

So, let's discuss both the ways, because nowadays schools & colleges have come up with too many competitions like cultural fests, debates, quiz competitions, etc. So competition has definitely increased.

Competition Is Good!

1. Competition is not about who wins the race, it's about finding your own weaknesses & strengths.

2. Competition, it's a natural feeling which motivates you doing the right thing with the best & right way.

3. For your own growth & development, competition plays an important role.

4. No matter whichever field you are in, you need to evaluate yourself & taking competition positively gives you the best answer what you are good at.

5. If you won in the competition, you'll feel great but if you lose, never gets demoralize. Try improving your mistakes & achieve better results.

6. Competition helps you understanding the hurdles coming to your path of success. By just sitting you would never come to know what's lacking in you.

Competition Is Bad!

1. It's better to compete with yourself rather than competing with others. It improves your own abilities & you can measure where you were & now where you are.

2. In a competition you are not just winning, you are making other one feel that he is inferior & lesser in abilities from you.

3. Competition creates demotivation.

4. Competition sometimes results in negative rivalry.

5. Few people believe in just winning g the competition by any ways, it can be negative as well. They try unfair methods also to win it.

6. Competition creates a feeling of frustration & mental pressure of how to win a competition.

7. Sometimes you make enemies out of a competition. Students are generally jealous to see you winning all the time & turns to be your enemies.

In the end, we can just conclude that

"Competition is good,

But Rivalry, definitely not!"