"Healthy body and mind always makes you win examination races"
During the examinations how many parents think about changing their diets? In fact, during this time the children who used to intake healthy food, they eat maximum junk food mostly due to examination stress. There are students who drink many cups of tea and coffee so that they can keep themselves awake. Indeed the children and their parents should always take care of the food which they are consuming. Here is the list of food which can be taken during exams for healthy body and mind.
1. Start your day with breakfast:
The students should be given healthy food at breakfast like Oats, Musali, Upama, Khichadi, IDli etc. The glycemic index of these food items is less which does not allow sudden blood sugar level increase. This provides glucose to blood at a slow pace which prevents lethargy and students do not feel sleepy all the time.
"The last shall not become the first if the last is lagging behind."
2. Eat less but more often:
It is always better to eat less during examination rather than having 3 to 4 heavy meals. The students feel sleepy if they eat a lot because in such cases the blood circulation occurs more in the stomach and not in the brain. Less quantity of food and healthy food should be given to the students which makes them alert and awake. Fresh fruits, Smoothies, honey wrapped dry fruits, soup and salad is a good option to eat.
3. No to Sugar and processed food:
Chocolates, Cookies type of sweet items enhances the sugar level in the blood which make the students feel hungry. This makes the students attracted towards the junk food and the junk food do not provide any nutrients to body except that they make you feel sleepy.
"Eat less sugar, but stay sweet"
4. More Water:
When students study, especially in AC rooms they do not feel thirsty and they don't drink water and other liquids. This makes their body deficient of water and the dehydration in the body makes their mind and body restless. It becomes very difficult to concentrate in such situations and to solve this one can drink juices, lemon water, green tea etc.
5. Less caffeine intake:
Too much caffeine, energy drinks, tea, soft drinks influence the circadian rhythms which don't allow allow the students to sleep whenever they want to sleep. Caffeine only suspends the sleep, as it affects the body for few hours.
" Caffeine Addiction is poison for students"
6. Eat less outside:
During exams the stress level is very high and the immune system is weak and the probability of infection increases. That's why one should ignore eating street or restaurant food. If children force you to eat food which is not cooked at home, then order the things which you have ordered earlier and trust the purity.
" Junk food satisfies you for a minute, but healthy food satisfies you for a lifetime"
7. Food which enhances brain capabilities:
Antioxidants like Vitamin A, C and I protects the cells of the body, which is destroying due to free radicals of the brain. Egg, fish, carrot, green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits fulfill the requirements of the brain and it also increases the disease resistance capacity in the body.
8. Food which reduces stress:
During examinations the stress level and pressure can only be handled with water dissolvable vitamins like B complex, Vitamin C, and minerals like Zinc. These all vitamins and minerals help in development of adrenal hormones and working system of the body. Adrenal hormones generates stress fighting hormones so the children should be given brown rice, dry fruits, fresh fruits and vegetables.
" Don't stress
Do your best"
9. Food for memory improvement:
Omega 3 Fatty acids improve working capabilities and memories and found mostly among fishes. In this case if you are a non vegetarian then eat 2 Salaman, Herring or Morokel fish. To intake less calories either grill it, bake or shallow fry oil. If you are vegetarian then seeds of flax, pumpkin seed, sesame seeds or canola oil plays the same role. Also, there are supplements of Omega 3 available in the market.
10. Proteins should be there in the diet:
Proteins slowly get digested in the body which increases energy level. Intake of Proteins in breakfast boosts tyrosine in the blood and brain, which make nerve cells to get stimulated so that child gets alert every time. Poha, Idli, Dosa and Dhokla has high protein content in it.