The Bihar state government has taken education matters seriously now. They have been under rated over the years in the field of education. Over the years students from Bihar have been mocked and looked down. The Bihar government has finally started taking steps to improve the scenario that prevails in the state regarding matters related to college education. It is believed that college education can never be good without good quality teaching staff in the colleges. There are a lot of colleges in the state. Some of the colleges have been declared as minor study centers.
The fate of the well known colleges:
The bigger colleges that are not government ruled or under the governing body of the state need to take a few steps to improve the quality of education across the colleges in the state. They have set new teacher standards for all colleges across the state. The latest teacher recruitment norms include that from assistant professors to principals all will be selected by the vice chairman of the college and the head of the university that the college is connected to. This is a major step towards improving the standard of education in the state.
Recruitment process:
The chairman of the governing body will have the right to pick 5 people. Three of them must be at least professors and two must be subject experts. The university has the right to select the head of each department. To select the department head three people will be nominated and out of the three two must be subject experts. The governing body and the university will have their say in this. The vice chairman of the board of directors will be the person to nominate the candidates for the post. The vice chairman can also elect two people from outside the college to be a part of the faculty.
All the teachers in these colleges should have the minimum qualification mentioned in the new act of 2013. In case of any kind of hiring the memorandum needs to be followed thoroughly. These are the new norms of the state education board. The board must be informed about any activity that may happen in the university. This is a major step that the government has taken in a long time. This will give the students from this part of the country a lot more to cherish. No longer will the students from Bihar be looked down. They need to be given the due respect that they deserve.
Supporting quality education:
The education system of the country must be given some new support from the state boards to improve the quality of education that the students are given in colleges and universities. The board has finally taken matters in their own hands and made a brave move forward. Not just recruitment, even firing, retirement, suspension and other matters related to the teaching staff must be coordinated with strict action under the guidance of the memorandum of 2013. Even promotions are to be consulted with the vice chairman of the board.