The voting phase of the elections in India is over and soon the
results will reveal the face of the new government of India. We all know that
India is one of the largest democracies in the world but can we say that it
also one of the strongest democracies in world?
A democracy is when the people elect their representatives which
work for their cause and represent them and help them solve their problems.
But, it seems far from the truth. The recent controversy about GoI suppressing
the unemployment data, Rafale controversy, terrorist attacks, using valor of the
Indian army as a political tool to emotionally influence the citizens before
the voting phase were some of the major issues before India as a democracy
enter into the voting phase.
Citizens keep shouting about the inability of the government and
blame the government for India being still a developing economy forgetting the
fact that election time is the time when the populous of the nation holds the
true power. They have the power to select the right candidate as their
representative which can help the nation move forward. And this power lies in
that single black mark on the finger which says that ‘I have voted for the best
candidate’. Voting is not only a right written in the constitution but is also a
fundamental responsibility of every citizen to cast the vote and help the
nation select the best government. People who treat the voting day as a day of
rest have no right to complain about the working of the government later.
Hence, it is important to learn about the importance of voting and how it can
bring the change we all want as citizens of India.
Few Days Back, at one of the Best University of India - University of Technology , Students and Faculty Members took pledge for Voting and made First Time Voters aware about Voting Procedure and Importance of Voting.
Below are some of the reasons mentioned by University students that - why every eligible citizen of India
should vote:
Opportunity to bring real
Voting gives citizens an opportunity to bring about a real change
in the nation. An opportunity to throw the government which failed to meet its
promises from the previous election time. Not exercising the right to can bring
back the same failed government for another complete term.
Every vote is important
Just like in exam, where every single mark counts so at the time
of voting a single vote can be the reason of change. You may think that a
single vote is not important but when hundreds and thousands think like that
the balance will tilt for sure, Casting your vote may not bring in the best
candidates but not casting your vote sure increases the chance of the
unsuitable ones of winning again.
It is the voice of the citizens
Ours is a diverse country and concerns and priorities changes
from region to region. The right to vote gives citizens the voice through which
they select the candidate they deem fit to serve their cause. While the
outcomes are not predictable by not casting your vote you are not expressing
your opinion about the candidate/s.
Voting is responsibility
Voting is equal part right and equal part responsibility. The
entire idea of democracy is built on voting and by not exercising their right
to vote citizens jeopardize the foundation of the democracy. Also, it a right
which was given to use by the founding father and by not voting we are saying
that we have no respect for the history of the nation.
Democracy in India is not at its best. The nation is dealing with
corruption, falling economy, joblessness and many other problems. By voting we
have a chance to do away with all these problems but by not voting we only make
the situation worse.
Voting In India
Importance Of Voting
University Of Technology
Education In Jaipur